Smoking is addictive, we know that now. And it is terrible on your health and one of the hardest things to quit. You’ve heard it all before, but Toothbrush Confidential may have found the magic key.
Recently we heard Pete Holmes mention on his podcast, You Made it Weird, that “smoking is like lighting a monument to no one telling you what to do.” There’s something about the feeling of freedom that you know it’s terribly unhealthy but no one is going to tell you what to do. This usually happens when you’re a teenager or in your early twenties. The act of smoking itself is not terribly enjoyable, or tasty, yet once the addictive affects take hold it’s almost impossible to quit.
According to Health Canada more than 37,000 people will die this year alone in Canada due to smoking. We’re certain you’ve heard all about how smoking causes cancers, respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases. It also affects your oral health. “Besides the well-known dental stains, and bad breath that come with smoking you may also experience an increased risk for oral cancer, bone loss around your teeth, increased scar tissue”, Heidi Doucette. The greatest concern, Doucette pointed out was “the gum tissue becomes hard, thick and fibrotic from the heat and smoke”. At this point you may be notified that you have periodontal disease (gum disease). This could eventually lead to tooth loss. Remember in the old days when someone’s tooth just fell out for no reason. Who remembers that grandma never had teeth?
We know you’ve tried to quit before and it is terribly hard. We may even have scared you enough to want to quit! So here is another incentive… A FREE OFFER! Did you know that the BC government offers a FREE service and FREE stop smoking aids, to help you quit?
The BC Government in association with BC Lung Association offers a personalized quit plan, Besides FREE patches and gum that they give you, they offer text support, phone support and even counselling if you need. Seriously, this program has your back. The only thing you need to do is go to and start the program. They will help you choose a quit date that works for you.
I love getting quit tips on my smart phone.
Being a part of QuitNow is like having a quit support system wherever you are.
Odette Hidalgo, ex-smoker and Director, Gravity Inc. Vancouver
If you like, daily tips are emailed to you, to keep you on track. They will also help you decide your quit method and help you figure out your triggers and what you can do about them. The hardest part is managing your withdrawal. Why should you do that alone? will help you manage your withdrawal while they help you build your social support system.
Finally will help you clean out your environment so it doesn’t trigger cravings. Not only will you be healthier, have extra cash you used to spend on cigarettes you can be proud you beat smoking. Plus within two weeks of quitting your hygienist will know. Make a commitment today. Let us know about your story. We will post it to share with others.